About Barbara

Barbara Jane Hannon is the daughter of the couple in the story.

My Story

This book is a love story, it is a mystery as to what happened to my dad, and it is a historical glimpse at WWII and what couples like my parents went through. The story in the book is told

After my mother died I was cleaning out her house and found a box of 80 letters written by my parents to each other from 1941-1945-the WWII years and a box of documents including telegrams from the War Department to my mother, flight records from an airbase in England, POW documents in German, War time French Francs none of which I had ever seen before. While I knew my father was a navigator on a B-17 in the Air Corps during the war and was shot down, captured and in a German Prison Camp I could not figure out where the French Francs came from, I had no idea he was in France or how he got there.  I realized I did not know much about the story as my parents never talked about it. I began to read the letters and research the documents and was stunned to learn they were separated for all but three weeks in four years. As I did the historical research on what happened to my dad I was stunned at the frightening things he went through, which was why he did not talk about it.

Personal Life

I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa, the same place both my parents grew up in and died in, and I have become a passionate historian now working on Family history and genealogy

After not knowing if my father was dead or alive for 37 days and then not knowing where he was for another three months after her initial telegram he was missing over Germany my parents were faced with another unknown period of waiting and not knowing when and if they would see each other, my mother wrote to my dad in prison camp:

“You wait there and I’ll wait here darling and someday we will never have to wait anymore, we’ll never have to say to each other, next time I see you, never. We will never be apart again for as long as we are given. “


Book Signing Event

Frankfurt Book Fair

Show Date: October 18 – 22, 2023
Location: Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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